Candidating Week Schedule

Updated March 23, 2006


Saturday, April 1st     Noon   Families with Children, Youth Group*              Courtyard Barbecue

                                                                 (RSVP to Kellie Murray @ 381-2857 by Thursday, March 30th.)*


                                          3:00 PM          Young Adult Group                                         Fireside Room 



Sunday, April 2nd       11:00 AM       Worship Service                                                      Sanctuary 

                                          5:00 PM          Sunday Morning Service Committees and Groups

                                               Pot luck dinner hosted by Vergilia Dakin, 346-0666       3456 Jackson St


                                          Worship Associates, Music Committee, Choir,

                                          Bell Choir, Ushers, Greeters, Assisted Listening Helpers



Monday, April 3rd      6:00 PM          Committees                               Thomas Starr King Room

                                          Denominational Affairs, Caring Committee, Art Committee, Intern Committee,

                                          Nominating Committee, Partner Church Committee, Membership Committee


                        Dinner, followed by Q&A.  Soup & salad provided.  Bring drinks, appetizers or dessert to share. 



Tuesday, April 4th      11:30 AM       SCW                                           Thomas Starr King Room


               (call Barbara Bourns @ 431-6054 by 7:00 PM on Sunday, 4/2 to register for the lunch)

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                                          7:00 PM          Alternative Worship Groups*                                      Chapel 

                                          Small Group Ministry, Pagan Interest Circle, Buddhist Meditation Group


                                          Thai dinner provided.  Please bring beverages, appetizers or dessert for 6.    


                                                                                               RSVP to Carol Ruley (415-846-3986 or Matt Fuller (415-283-1745).*



Wednesday, April 5th  12:15 PM        Drop-in Brown-Bag Lunch                    Church Courtyard

                                        Drop by the church on your lunch hour for an informal chat with the Candidate



Thursday, April 6th   3:00 PM     Volunteer Appreciation Tea*        Thomas Starr King Room


                      Call Nancy Evans at the church (776-4580) by Monday, 4/3 to let her know you are coming*


                              6:00 PM    Social Justice; all who work on Social Justice issues!**        MLK Room

                                          Contact Nancy Deutsch at 415-648-6121 or   [email protected]
                                                 ** People currently involved in or interested in Social Justice are invited to come

                                                        (Supper followed by Q&A  –  bring salads or desserts, if you can, but come!)



Saturday, April 8th    Noon   Council of Committee Chairs lunch*     Thomas Starr King Room

                                   Call Shirley Gibson @ 668-2197 to by Monday 4/3 to let her know you are coming.* 



                                          5:30 PM All Church Dinner*                                          King Gallery

                                                                                                                   RSVP to the church @ 776-4580*


Sunday, April 9th        11:00 AM Worship Service                                                             Sanctuary

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                                          12:45 PM  Congregational Meeting                                      Sanctuary

                                  To vote on calling the Candidate to be our Minister



* A”head count” will be helpful, but don’t stay away because you forgot to RSVP.  Everyone is welcome.