Going to School

Who's Teaching Whom?  Click here for a large picture. Make no mistake about who the real pupil is in obedience school.   It's NOT the dog.

You, the owner, have a lot to learn.  And, it's best if another human shows you the ropes before your pet has you completely tied up in her leash.

You need to know about socialization, cradling, OFF!, and how to make yourself the responsible alpha member of your pack.  Your dog already knows about these topics.   You need to even up the knowledge base.

We were trained by Gwen, a wonderful San Francisco woman, who is a mainstay of Perfect Paws.  She taught us about time commitments, consistency, patience, and persistence.  We think we've learned well, and our pets are fairly presentable as a result of our training.  Perfect Paws has regular obedience classes and also offers socialization/free play hours.  They're the best we know about in The City.

Click here to visit Perfect Paws
If your dog is a purebred and you plan on showing her, then you will also want to attend a conformation class.  This is where you are taught how to show the dog in the ring.  Both of you need lots of practice in walking in a circle, kneeling, stacking, and  looking adoringly at a judge.  We don't know if the woman who showed Audit how to walk like a lady is still volunteering her time for that task.  Ask your breeder if he or she knows of a local confirmation resource.
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© Galen Workman 1994--2003. All rights reserved.